Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Joy called BOY

Noah's dad has been reviewing...well, really DRILLING the scout motto, slogan, oath, etc. into Noah's head this weekend. He memorized everything except the Outdoor Code. As part of this Outdoor Code discussion Jim asked Noah what the benefits of the Buddy System are. Noah's response, "If you get hurt, someone can run for help. If you are lost, you are not alone. And if you are lost AND hungry, you won't could always eat your buddy." A moment of silence passes until I ask, "Did you just say you could EAT your buddy?" Noah: "Yup....hee-hee-hee!" sick twisted boy really made me giggle today. Gotta LOVE that kid. (Although if I were a scout, I might reconsider being his buddy. Ha!)

1 comment:

KT said...

That's hillarious. What a smart kid. haha

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